TDI Advanced Nitrox
This course examines the use of EAN-21 through 100 percent oxygen for optimal mixes to a depth of 40 metres. The objective of this course is to train divers in the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for utilizing EAN-21 through 100 percent oxygen for dives not requiring staged decompression. TDI Decompression Procedures or the Intro to Tech may be combined with this course at the discretion of the instructor.
Qualifications of Graduates
Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may engage in diving activities utilizing EAN-21 through 100 percent oxygen without direct supervision provided:
The diving activities approximate those of training
The areas of activities approximate those of training
Environmental conditions approximate those of training
Upon successful completion of this course, graduates are qualified to enroll in:
TDI Decompression Procedures Course
TDI Extended Range Course
Certification is not guaranteed, you have to earn it!!
Technical diving, by its nature, is more complicated, and involves higher risk levels than recreational diving, and unlike some recreational diving courses, payment of fees does not imply automatic certification.
This does not mean that if, having completed the prescribed number of dives in the course outline that if you are unable to meet a required standard, you will be failed. We will do our utmost to get your skills and knowledge up to the highest level, and if this means extra dives or academic sessions, then so be it.
Discover the new way to scuba dive either as a Technical or Recreational Diver.
Student Prerequisites
Minimum age: 18, 15 with parental consent
Minimum certification: of TDI Nitrox Diver or equivalent
Minimum Dives: 25 logged open water dives
Gear Requirements
Alternative second stage octopus attached to a primary regulator or a redundant scuba unit; 1.9 litre / 13 cu ft minimum. A submersible pressure gauge. Depth gauge and automatic bottom timer and/or dive computer. Buoyancy compensator device (BCD) with power inflator. Line cutting device. Exposure suit adequate for the open water environment. Cylinder and regulator properly labeled and cleaned as required for EAN mixtures. Access to oxygen analyzer, may be supplied by instructor
Please note that if you facing any problem with your diving gear, at our Diving Center we can provide you anything is necessary to process the Course. Safety, pleasure and fun is always in our top priority. If you have any questions please do NOT hesitate to contact us
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